Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yes, I've been hiding under a rock

Did anyone miss me? The problem is I've had this horrible virus for the entire month of October. Weak and listless with an incredible congestion that racks my body with coughing spasms. Not fun. It also makes me sad because October is my favorite month of the year and I feel like I've pretty much missed it.

So here's the news from my world. I've started a new book called Breath of Heaven. Its a medieval which is a time I've never written about but have always loved. Think Camelot, First Knight, Kingdom of Heaven, Tristan and Isolde, The Wolf and The Dove and the Roselynde Chronicles. All favorites of mine. I am really enjoying it.

I just did my page proofs on Fallen which will be released in Feb. I will be posting the cover and some out takes soon, I promise.

We have a new dog...temporarily. My son's girlfriend, whom we adore, got into grad school a year sooner than planned. So we have her dog, a six month old Siberian Husky. Once more will post some pics. My camera crashed and I'm in the process of getting it fixed. We've been going to obedience school and I have to admit I've learned a lot. Now if I could just get him to stop shedding....

I also just sent out an exciting new scifi project called Prism. I'm really excited about it and hope to be talking about it more soon.

Oh yeah, I'm on Twitter if you want to keep up with my day to day ramblings. I'll try to get back into the swing of things and blog more consistently. I promise.


Bella G. said...

Sorry You have been sick nothing works right when you are sick. I have finally read Twist which I got from my friends who went to RT.(Lisa, Rose, Charina) It was awesome. Will there be a second book?

Cindy Holby said...

There will be no sequel for Twist at this time. However I am working on an exciting new project called Prism.